Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Speech Therapy

What exactly do speech therapists do?

Speech therapists are trained to deliver various sorts of Speech Therapy to children in order to assist them in overcoming communication difficulties. They can also assist with problems with written language and auditory processing.

The speech therapist will determine the specific nature of the child's speech and language problem during the first session, whether it is related to articulation, fluency, resonance, or oral feeding concerns. They are then able to greatly improve the child's speech abilities through a combination of personalized Speech Therapy exercises.

How long does it take to complete Speech Therapy?

Your child may be able to overcome their speech impairment with just a few months of Speech Therapy treatment, whereas others may need years. It is critical to understand that Speech Therapy for Children does not cure the disease, but rather provides the exercises and tools necessary for the child to manage with it. The speech therapist will usually give parents/caregivers advice and tactics to help reinforce your child's Speech Therapy courses at home. In this context, it is also critical to ensure that your child and their therapist are a good fit, so that they can experience Speech Therapy results as soon as possible.

What are the advantages of Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy for children enables them to talk correctly and hold conversations with others, as well as eat and swallow securely. It boosts their confidence because they no longer have to fight to talk. Speech Therapy can assist children with dyslexia separate sounds that they would otherwise confuse in their thoughts. Young children can benefit from personalized Speech Therapy for Kids from an early age in order to grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally and live a more satisfying life.

What are the different Speech Therapy exercises for Kids

Flash cards: These aid youngsters in remembering and practicing difficult sounds.

Mirror exercises: The therapist may have your kid stand in front of a mirror and assist them pronounce each word slowly and carefully. This is done so that your child understands how the mouth should look when saying a specific word.

Tongue exercises: Tongue exercises are an important aspect of Speech Therapy treatment for safe swallowing. Pushing the tongue to the bumpy portion behind the upper teeth and then curling back as far as possible are two examples.

At HNR Speech and Hearing, professional therapists work with children to ensure that they receive the best Speech Therapy treatment available. We pay close attention to detail and take great care to ensure that your child is benefiting from the Speech Therapy activities and speaking more confidently with each session.

Call us today to Book Appointment

Panjagutta: 8237037087

Kukatpally: 8237037087



Wednesday, January 11, 2023


 Hearing loss is a most prevalent problem caused by loud noise, aging, disease, and hereditary. People with hearing problem may find it hard to have conversations with their friends and family. They may also face trouble understanding a doctor’s suggestion, responding to warnings, and hearing doorbells and alarms.

Your aging can sometimes degrade your hearing. Most people start to lose their hearing around the age of 60-65, although this can be different for every individual. Hearing problems are natural part if you’re getting older. As you begin to become old, the cells in your inner ear start to perish, which sometimes aren’t replaced by new hair cells. So when more and more of your hair cells get perished, then your hearing will continue to get depreciated & worse. Age-related hearing loss can be normally caused by:

Exposure to loud noise (Industrial machinery, high decibel work place, loud music)


Medical conditions like Nerve damage in inner ear


Hereditary problems

Extremely high rates of exposure to high level of decibels can result in you facing the hearing problems as early as in your teen age.   


It’s not really certain to know when you will start to face hearing problems and at what degree it generally depends on a lot of lifestyle factors along with hereditary problems and place of your work.

Therefore, regular tests with your audiologist are crucial for maintaining your hearing health sound & safe. Most hearing loss is slow and gradual and it is almost impossible to detect when it first starts.

If hearing loss is persistent problem in your generations of family, then this tend to mean you are more likely to develop age-related & deteriorating hearing loss. While many things may influence age-related hearing loss, once you lose your hearing sense, then it’s permanent 


Call us today to Book Appointment 

Panjagutta: 8237037087                             

Kukatpally:  8237037087



Speech Therapy

What exactly do speech therapists do? Speech therapists are trained to deliver various sorts of Speech Therapy to children in order to as...